Dr. Abdul Rauf

Urologist, Andrologist, Male Sexual Health Specialist, Kidney Transplant Surgeon MBBS FCPS (Urol), FACS (USA) CMT (UHS)

Dr. Abdul Rauf urologist Lahore Pakistan

Dr. Abdul Rauf is listed among the Best Urologists in Lahore. Dr. Abdul Rauf holds an MBBS degree, FCPS in Urology, FACS (USA), and CMT (UHS). He is a highly qualified and experienced urologist with over 15 years of dedicated practice in urology. He consults at private clinics in Integrated Medical Care (IMC) Hospital, DHA Phase 5, and Cavalry Hospital, Cavalry Ground, Lahore Cantt.

His areas of expertise include stone disease, urological oncology, male infertility, varicocele, erectile dysfunction, enlarged prostate, urethral stricture disease, urodynamics, and functional urology. He treats all urological conditions, such as blood in the urine (haematuria), difficulty passing urine, and raised PSA levels. He also cares for national and international patients with stone disease and andrological problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Dr. Abdul Rauf graduated from Shaikh Zayed Medical College. He completed his FCPS from the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. He is a certified urodynamics expert from Guys and St Thomas Hospital, London. He pioneered the video urodynamics department in Pakistan.

He has worked at King’s College Hospital, London. He has published widely and presented at national and international conferences. In 2023, he was nominated for the Young Urology Leadership Award by the Urological Association of Asia (UAA). He also holds a Certificate in Medical Teaching from the University of Health Sciences, Lahore.


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Dr. Abdul Rauf

Urologist, Andrologist, Male Sexual Health Specialist, Kidney Transplant Surgeon MBBS FCPS (Urol), FACS (USA) CMT (UHS)

Dr. Abdul Rauf is listed among the Best Urologists in Lahore. Dr. Abdul Rauf holds an MBBS degree, FCPS in Urology, FACS (USA), and CMT (UHS). He is a highly qualified and experienced urologist with over 15 years of dedicated practice in urology. He consults at private clinics in Integrated Medical Care (IMC) Hospital, DHA Phase 5, and Cavalry Hospital, Cavalry Ground, Lahore Cantt.

His areas of expertise include stone disease, urological oncology, male infertility, varicocele, erectile dysfunction, enlarged prostate, urethral stricture disease, urodynamics, and functional urology. He treats all urological conditions, such as blood in the urine (haematuria), difficulty passing urine, and raised PSA levels. He also cares for national and international patients with stone disease and andrological problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Dr. Abdul Rauf graduated from Shaikh Zayed Medical College. He completed his FCPS from the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. He is a certified urodynamics expert from Guys and St Thomas Hospital, London. He pioneered the video urodynamics department in Pakistan.

He has worked at King’s College Hospital, London. He has published widely and presented at national and international conferences. In 2023, he was nominated for the Young Urology Leadership Award by the Urological Association of Asia (UAA). He also holds a Certificate in Medical Teaching from the University of Health Sciences, Lahore.


Our Services

  • Bipolar TURP
  • Laser Prostectomy
  • DVIU
  • Optilume
  • Pyeloplasty
  • Endopyelotomy
  • Nephrectomy
  • Radical Nephrectomy
  • Testicular Biopsy
  • Circumcision (ختنہ)
  • Cystectomy (سسکیٹومی)
  • Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL) (ایکسٹرا کورپوریشل شاک ویو لیتھو ٹریسی) 
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • PCNL
  • Mini PCNL
  • RIRS
  • URS
  • Flexible URS
  • TURP
  • Cystoscopy
  • Bladder
  • Microsurgical varicocelectomy
  • Emergency Surgery (ایمرجنسی سرجری)
  • Fistula (نالورن)
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Urinary calculi
  • Urologic oncology

Conditions Treated

  • Bedwetting (بستر پر پیشاب نکلنا)
  • Bladder Propase
  • Abscess (پھوڑا)
  • Bladder Diverticula (بلیڈر ڈائورٹیکولا)
  • Blood In Urine (پیشاب میں خون آنا)
  • Kidney cancer

Kidney Stone

Urinary bladder stones usually develop as a result of an underlying medical condition. It is crucial to address and treat the primary pathology to effectively manage these stones.

Prostate Enlargement doctor Lahore

Prostate Enlargement

The prostate gland, which is about the size of a walnut, is an integral component of the male reproductive system.

Bladder Cancer doctor lahore

Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer refers to the development of cancerous cells in the urinary bladder. It is a relatively common type of cancer, with men being affected at a rate two to three times higher than women.

Ureteric Stone doctor lahore

Ureteric Stone

Kidney stone disease is quite common, especially in countries characterized by dry and hot climates.


The prostate gland is a small, walnut sized organ that is an essential component of the male reproductive system.

Erectile Dysfunction doctor lahore

Erectile Dysfunction

Embarrassed by Erectile Dysfunction? Explore Proven Treatments and Regain Your Sexual Confidence.

Prostate Cancer doctor lahore

Prostate Cancer

Every year, over 110,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in the United States, and this disease claims the lives of more than 35,000 individuals on an annual basis.


Experience exceptional care at Dr. Abdul Rauf Care Clinic, ensuring the utmost comfort for you and your family. Trust Dr. Abdul Rauf Care Clinic for expert care and a warm, inviting environment.
0336 8609825+ CONTACT


(IMC) Integrated Medical Hospital Lahore
Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri: 04:30 PM – 06:00 PM


Rest assured, day or night, Dr. Abdul Rauf, a renowned urologist, stands ready to tackle any emergency, offering invaluable expertise and peace of mind to patients in need..+ CONTACT
